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The Fruit of the Law of Attraction

Where does a belief in the law of attraction lead? I’ve seen the skeptical comments about the law of attraction. But I don’t ever take it personally because I know they come from ignorance. Most people critiquing the law of attraction have never tried to sit down and see what people who believe in it actually believe. And, similarly to religions, people will undoubtedly have their own versions. But, the law of attraction is usually boiled down to “you get what you think about,” or “you attract what you feel.” Some people think it means all you have to do is sit around and you can “manifest” whatever… Read More »The Fruit of the Law of Attraction

Ho’oponopono in Practice

In this article, I’m going to share how I actually use the Ho’oponopono Cleaning process in my life and what comes out of it. I do this to show how it can be used to re-set your perspectives or beliefs on a specific subject, usually something that’s angering or scaring you. When you change your beliefs, then your emotional response will change. What Bugs Me I am well aware of what bugs me, and one of those things is bugs. For some reason, I get put into that fight or flight response when I see them. Something must have happened when I was young. I… Read More »Ho’oponopono in Practice

Episode 2: Vaccine Passports

There are people afraid of getting COVID because other people are not getting the COVID-19 vaccine so they want to make vaccine passports required. There are people afraid of having to get an experimental vaccine in order to work, to fly, leave the country, or even go to a sporting event. They both have the same fear. They fear that they don’t have power over their body and their health. They think someone else is going to have the power to make them unhealthy. It’s the same fear, which means they attract each other according to the law of attraction. In this episode I discuss… Read More »Episode 2: Vaccine Passports

COVID-19 Shines Light on Fear and Powerlessness

Every day in our lives we run into people, places, things, or events that shine a light on where we feel fear or a lack of control or power. Those situations tend to be very personal. Other people are often not feeling the same way as you do to the same events. But, in 2020 we have had a major event occur that has caused many of us to go through the same emotional triggers. Some people are facing their fears alone when they come up. Some are facing them with others. However, we usually hear on the news about those who are not facing… Read More »COVID-19 Shines Light on Fear and Powerlessness

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