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Being Thankful for Stress

In the book Before Happiness, Shawn Achor discusses how simply knowing about the benefits of stress can cause you to not have as many physical symptoms that are normally associated with distress. He writes, “Those who had watched the video highlighting the enhancing rather than debilitating effects of stress reported a 23 percent drop in physical symptoms associated with distress (such as headaches, backaches, fatigue). What’s more, on a scale of 1 to 4, productivity assessment moved from 1.9 to 2.6-nearly a 30 percent increase.” He was comparing groups who had watched a video about the negative effects of stress and those who watched a… Read More »Being Thankful for Stress

Ho’oponopono in Practice

In this article, I’m going to share how I actually use the Ho’oponopono Cleaning process in my life and what comes out of it. I do this to show how it can be used to re-set your perspectives or beliefs on a specific subject, usually something that’s angering or scaring you. When you change your beliefs, then your emotional response will change. What Bugs Me I am well aware of what bugs me, and one of those things is bugs. For some reason, I get put into that fight or flight response when I see them. Something must have happened when I was young. I… Read More »Ho’oponopono in Practice

You are Powerful

You are so powerful. I know all about the various limiting beliefs that we tell ourselves. I’ve had interactions with people who keep wanting to tell me how powerless we all are. The most pushback I get is concerning racism, and the idea of mine that the Black Lives Matter movement has a victim mentality. Our society keeps telling us how difficult a problem like racism is to solve. If you are told your whole life that it’s difficult and that it’s systemic, then that is what you will believe even when/if it’s not true. Of course, this self-defeating mindset is not limited to racism.… Read More »You are Powerful

How Dr. Len Healed The Criminally Insane Without Meeting With Them

Criminally insane killers and rapists were sent to Hawaii State Hospital and were healed without ever meeting Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D. It’s a remarkable tale. In the past, I’ve written about The Maharishi Effect where groups meditating together were able to lower crime in the surrounding area. But in this case, it was one individual, and he was performing the Hawaiian mindful practice Ho’oponopono. Dr. Hew Len asked himself, “What is going on with me, that I am experiencing this?” By practicing Ho’oponopono, He took 100% accountability for their mental health problems and healed them. Taking Responsibility Frees You The majority of people today reject… Read More »How Dr. Len Healed The Criminally Insane Without Meeting With Them

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