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Being Thankful for Stress

In the book Before Happiness, Shawn Achor discusses how simply knowing about the benefits of stress can cause you to not have as many physical symptoms that are normally associated with distress. He writes, “Those who had watched the video highlighting the enhancing rather than debilitating effects of stress reported a 23 percent drop in physical symptoms associated with distress (such as headaches, backaches, fatigue). What’s more, on a scale of 1 to 4, productivity assessment moved from 1.9 to 2.6-nearly a 30 percent increase.” He was comparing groups who had watched a video about the negative effects of stress and those who watched a… Read More »Being Thankful for Stress

COVID-19 Shines Light on Fear and Powerlessness

Every day in our lives we run into people, places, things, or events that shine a light on where we feel fear or a lack of control or power. Those situations tend to be very personal. Other people are often not feeling the same way as you do to the same events. But, in 2020 we have had a major event occur that has caused many of us to go through the same emotional triggers. Some people are facing their fears alone when they come up. Some are facing them with others. However, we usually hear on the news about those who are not facing… Read More »COVID-19 Shines Light on Fear and Powerlessness

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