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Multiple Perspectives Can Sound Contradictory

Today I wondered if I could pass a lie detector test with two completely opposite answers to the same question. I think I could, which makes life all that much more confusing. It’s about perspective. I’ve heard people complain about new-agers being hypocritical and confusing by talking from both sides of their mouths. I think the problem is there is a dual perspective happening. There can be completely correct but opposite answers from different perspectives. Dueling Perspectives There are many versions of the Six-or-Nine perspective example similar to the image above. A person on one side can plainly see it’s a six and the other person… Read More »Multiple Perspectives Can Sound Contradictory

The Real Reason You’re Offended

Other People Have No Power to Offend You There is a commonly held belief that other people can offend you. In this article I’m going to discuss why that is not the case, which might anger you or relieve you. If you want there to be a scapegoat for why you get mad, rather than to take personal responsibility for getting upset, then you won’t like the idea that no one can offend you. If, however, you want to live a life in which you never get offended, because you would be happier, then you would be relieved to hear that this is possible. A… Read More »The Real Reason You’re Offended

Taking Personal Responsibility Empowers & Frees You

2020 has been the perfect year for hindsight concerning the effects of either taking personal responsibility or blame shifting / scapegoating. When you believe there is something “bad” happening in your personal reality and it is someone else’s fault rather than your own, you are shifting the blame from you onto someone else. This is also called scapegoating. Scapegoating is the practice of singling out a person or group for unmerited blame and consequent negative treatment. Of course, people will say (and truly believe) that the blame is merited when they’re doing it. I’m sure you’ve done this, because, even though I’m very aware of… Read More »Taking Personal Responsibility Empowers & Frees You

Your Beliefs Can Lead To Freedom Or Slavery

Your Beliefs Can Lead To Freedom or Slavery

Where is freedom born and bred, in the heart or in the head? Many people today are responding to life through their emotions. Something will happen, they will have an emotion, and off they go responding to the emotion because they feel like they are powerless and life just happens to them. For instance, a woman recently tweeted: “I saw a child wearing a ‘Trump 2020’ mask at school today and I wanted to literally burn him alive.” There was an activating event or action (A), in this case, it was that she saw a child wearing a specific mask, and then there was a… Read More »Your Beliefs Can Lead To Freedom or Slavery

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